If Crawlers are spotted among a group of enemies, prioritize the Crawlers first as their explosions are highly damaging and can knock the player down, leaving them vulnerable.Take this opportunity to wipe out large groups. A Crawler will occasionally stumble when moving, and others behind it will trip over it also, leaving them vulnerable for a few seconds.Crawlers are weak and cannot withstand much punishment, a single shot will make short work of one.

The Crawler's explosion has a very small radius, but is still dangerous.They have the same characteristics of the human Crawler, except in physiology, movement, speed and sound.Ġ5 February 2013 Strategy " They're EXPLODING! Get away!" -A Circle soldier after encountering a swarm of Crawlers In Dead Space 3, Crawlers are now reanimated alien infants, spawned by Alien Necromorphs. Crawlers tend to slip while moving, tumbling about for a few seconds before resuming their attack on Isaac. Crawlers' eyes also a sickly gray color with no iris or pupil.

Oddly the crawlers head and face appear like normal babies, with the exception of over swelled blood vessels around the eyes and forehead, they have visible teeth that look like regular baby teeth on the bottom jaw but the top of the jaw has peg like pointed teeth. The arms and shoulders are twisted backwards with the fingers mostly fused together on both hands with a hospital identification bracelet on the left wrist, the legs are almost twisted and fused together with only a visible left foot, giving the Crawler an almost caterpillar-like movement. The body and head are twisted backwards, so that the Crawler can move with the sac pointed upwards. The torso is grossly enlarged, with an organic explosive substance under its skin.

Crawlers are a variant of Necromorph that are created from reanimated infants, much like the Lurker, but serve another function.