In the window that appears, select the Roaming option and then open the. Next, P ress Win + R and then type in appdata. Now simply download one of the mods and locate the. Web Searches - Quickly and easily perform Google, Yahoo, Bing, eBay, Youtube, Wikipedia and other searches. Right now I'm trying to build a 2x3 buttons grid that rotates on device rotation, but the code looks pretty crappy and I steel need to add iPhone5 support. Once you head to this site, make sure you select the correct version of the mods to work with your TLauncher. Launcher is a fast and light utility that speeds up the way you work on your Mac Features Application Launcher - Use application names, abbreviations, and short commands to launch any app. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, but solutions like Three20 are not what I'm searching for: they are not updated to the latest iOS systems or devices (retina, ARC, iOS5/6) and they do much more than what I need (I basically need a set of buttons with a label that rotate on device rotation). T launcher is one of the best Minecraft launchers floating on the web. I'm trying to build an homepage launcher for my app.